mygosh it's taking long to post those taiwan pictures up here.
therefore, i give up! hahaha i shall try uploading in facebook and perhaps next time when i'm back to singapore i shall post here (:
i feel damn slack
everyday has been the same for me, eat sleep watch drama online.
nothing else hehs, sometimes go out awhile.
will be going to genting tomorrow morning.
not at least interested at all ):
cause it's like going with some of my cousins and whatsmore younger than me.
i don't know what to do eh ):
aiya anyway just go out walk walk.
bought some clothes online but don't know whether reliable or not.
it's cheap HAHAHAH and i'll get it on 25th.
kind of fast eh?
and my aunt has given brith to a female baby (:
monday 13th december.
went to see her and baby yesterday (:
cute and it's like quite amazing uh (:
imagine 10 years down the road and you'll going to have a someone in your stomach.
it grows and will be inside of you like 9 months.
Passerby: hehs nope i don't live there.
huiqing: GP SUCKS :D
meryl: hehs thanks (: